
Mother’s Day Gifts That Heal When Battling Depression and Anxiety

Your Mom Makes the World a Better Place…
And this mother’s day you have the opportunity to make HER world a better place. This article speaks to healing and restoration for moms who battle depression, anxiety or any kind of mental fatigue. I have highlighted 10 possible areas to focus on with an array of Mother’s Day gifts that heal. I hope you find them helpful!

Another COVID Thanksgiving, 5 Strategies

Tips and strategies to get through another COVID Thanksgiving, how you can create a fun Thanksgiving at home despite our COVID 19 reality.

Running Is My Therapy

Running is like therapy, it forces you to dig deep, will always be harder before it gets better, and can reveal your truth whether you want it to or not.


The series #mytherapy is self-care++, the stuff that rejuvenates, sustains, and supports your emotional, psychological and physical well-being.

How to Beat Homesickness In College – 25 Tips

Worried about being homesick when away at school? This article covers what it means to be homesick and 25 tips on how to beat homesickness.

Turn Depression and Anxiety Upside Down by Making a Difference In the World

Turn depression and anxiety upside down with these 50 ideas… Making a difference can help you as well as your community! When you do good for others, the benefits can include better self-esteem, lower blood pressure, decreased stress levels, which in turn leads to an increased life expectancy… furthermore… you will enjoy life a whole lot more!

How to Maximize Therapy

Therapy can unlock a world of possibilities, maximize therapy with these dos and don’ts, included are the barriers that keep people from ever walking in the door, don’t let that be you!

Lessons Learned From Selena

Selena Quintanilla was a legend, musically and in life, here are 6 of the life lessons learned from Selena, though there are many more. 

50 Self Care Ideas for Your Weekend

The weekend is the perfect time to unwind, relax and spend time doing the things that you want to do, not the things that you have to do.  Here are 50 self-care ideas here for you to consider as you begin planning your weekend of self-care and restoration!

101 Things To Be Grateful For Today

Gratitude will transform your life, and sometimes you need inspiration, here are 101 simple yet essential things to be grateful for today.