
Mental Health In College Students – 15 Things You Need To Do

Life changes in a big way as you enter into the realm of college where there is increased financial and academic pressure, coupled with a changing social environment very different from what many experience in high school.  While these changes are exciting and often lead to a healthier and more balanced life, it does bring with it lots of new stressors. This article will discuss the mental health risks in college students and 15 strategies to stay on top of your mental health in college. 

Turn Depression and Anxiety Upside Down by Making a Difference In the World

Turn depression and anxiety upside down with these 50 ideas… Making a difference can help you as well as your community! When you do good for others, the benefits can include better self-esteem, lower blood pressure, decreased stress levels, which in turn leads to an increased life expectancy… furthermore… you will enjoy life a whole lot more!

Radical Acceptance Is Where It’s At

When you don’t like the hand life has dealt you, make room for radical acceptance to the find peace, you need and deserve. Begin by reading this!

Signs of Gaslighting and How to Break Free

Gaslighting, aka “crazy-making”, is part of a pattern of abuse. Here are 10 signs of gaslighting and what you can do to break free from it.

“Destroy Depression” – Learn How Here

The guide to destroy depression once and for all, freeing you to live a healthy, satisfying, and productive life on your terms!

How to Maximize Therapy

Therapy can unlock a world of possibilities, maximize therapy with these dos and don’ts, included are the barriers that keep people from ever walking in the door, don’t let that be you!

Overcoming Jealousy In Your Relationship

Jealousy is one of those ugly feelings that everyone experiences from time to time. Here are 10 tips to overcome jealousy in your relationship. Outcome quiz included assessing jealousy in your relationship!

Life Lessons From My Sister With Down Syndrome

My sister has Down syndrome and is a wonderful gift! Here are 8 life lessons she has taught me, along with a free children’s book to help you talk to children about Down syndrome.

How To Stop Shaming Yourself And Build Self-Esteem

Shame will do a number on your self-esteem, learn how to stop shaming yourself, turn that shame upside down, so you can stay right side up!

Father’s Day Gifts for Dad’s with Mental Health Issues

Looking for the perfect father’s day gifts? I have some solutions with a unique emphasis on the mental health concerns many dads deal with how you can help.